Rex Camposagrado
Rex Camposagrado
Founder & SEO Expert
Your SEO Success Starts Here


SEO is an investment. Having a SEO consultant on your side and utilizing their  knowledge and experience are invaluable for maximizing your company’s organic success.

Rex is an Award-Winning SEO who has 30 years of experience working with businesses of all sizes.

Top Enterprise SEO Companies


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SEO Consulting That Gets It – Drive More Leads and Sales

Rex understand the intricacies of search engine algorithms, keyword optimization, and can effectively analyze data to devise strategic plans. He can help navigate the ever-changing landscape of SEO, ensuring your strategy remains effective despite algorithm updates.

By leveraging Rex’s seasoned SEO experience, you can avoid common pitfalls, saving time and resources while driving more organic traffic to your site, ultimately leading to increased leads and sales.

Rex will work as an extension of your marketing team to establish SEO KPIs, build a customized SEO Playbook, and establish a SEO process to help drive more organic traffic to your website.


Rex's Achivements

BrightEdge Edgies Award Winner for SEO Performance & Results
BrightEdge Certified Professional for Enterprise SEO
Conductor Spotlight enterprise SEO services

Rex Camposagrado is successful SEO Consulting Expert & Digital Marketing MBA professional with over 20 years of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), SEM, SMM, Web Analytics, & Digital Marketing experience.

A seasoned SEO veteran, Rex started building and marketing websites in 1995 and worked for agencies, in-house for small to medium businesses to large corporations and Fortune 50 companies.

A 2019 MBA graduate in Digital Marketing (3.9 GPA). A 2015 Summa Cum Laude (3.95 GPA) with a B.S. in Communications/Emerging Media.

Rex won a BrightEdge Edgies Award for SEO Performance & Results in 2018 beating out 200 nominees in his category.

A BrightEdge Certified Professional agency and Edgies Award Winner


The SEO Process is a "rinse and repeat" strategy that is customized for each business.
The SEO Process

Consultation & Audit

Work directly with Rex to discuss your SEO goals. He will do a Website Analysis and Competitive Research to give you an honest assessment for the SOW (Scope Of Work) and costs.

SEO KPIs and Goals

During the onboarding process you will agree upon SEO KPIs and keywords that are most important to you.

SEO Playbook

Rex will build a custom SEO Playbook for executing SEO tasks such as on-page SEO, link building, content optimization, content marketing, and other SEO initiatives.

SEO Consulting Costs

How much is SEO Consulting?

SEO consulting costs can vary widely depending on factors such as the consultant’s expertise, the scope of services provided, and the complexity of the project. Generally, SEO consultants may charge hourly rates, monthly retainers, or project-based fees. Hourly rates can range from $100 to $300 or more depending on the scope and complexity of the project, while monthly retainers may start at $1000 and go up to several thousand dollars, depending on the level of service required. Project-based fees are often tailored to the specific needs of the client and can vary accordingly. It’s essential to discuss expectations and budget upfront with the consultant to ensure alignment and transparency throughout the engagement. Remember that investing in quality SEO consulting can yield significant returns by improving your website’s visibility, driving traffic, and ultimately boosting revenue.

Let's Work Together!

Let's talk! Schedule a free 30-minute SEO consultation with Rex and request a proposal.

SEO King

Happy Client's

sean reilly
Sean R. Group Publisher

Rex is an SEO rock star — minus a rock star attitude. From the moment our editorial team started working with him, our web site analytics headed due north and never turned back. He mentored our team on content optimization, cross-linking and other ways to increase visitor views, time on site and interaction. Rex more than doubled our web site organic traffic quickly and exponentially increased all other site metrics.

John T.
John T. Vice President

I hired Rex after an extensive search for an SEO Expert and couldn’t have been happier with his work. His extensive knowledge of the industry and out-of-the-box ideas to generate Search traffic was what I needed and received. After one year, he had nearly doubled the Search traffic while the Referral and Direct traffic only increased slightly.

Nikhil T
Nikhil T. Project Manager

Rex possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO), Web analytics tools (eg, Google Analytics) and numerous other critical components of online marketing. Within a year, he has helped to drive explosive growth in organic traffic by applying his deep understanding of keyword research and knowledge of business and technology. Rex has strong problem-solving abilities and is adept at multi-tasking and working hard to get the job done. He is a very sharp and intelligent individual who is very easy to work with.

Dave S.
Dave S. Investor & Land Acquisition

Rex was very dependable, willing to help, very flexible and very easy to work with. Rex excelled in everything that was asked of him including getting first page rankings for targeted keywords, social media networking, extensive backlink building, and more.

Kate C
Kate C. Journalist and Editor

Our website traffic and social media strategy regularly and vastly improved with Rex's guidance and action items. Rex's dedication and wealth of insight inspired me to do my best work as he does, creating a high-caliber collaboration for the benefit of far more than just ourselves.

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